Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Mei 13: Berahim Perkasa WAJIB Kutuk Parti Gerakan

perisik rakyat:

Mengapa saya kata begitu? Tunku Abdul Rahman dalam bukunya ”May 13-Before and After” telah menulis:
Dr. Tan Chee Khoon, who won his seat in Batu Selangor, with a big majority asked for Police permission to hold a procession by members of his Gerakan Party. A permit was granted on condition that it followed a route authorised by the Police.

(On 12th May) Dr. Tan's victory procession was held on an unprecedented scale, politically speaking, and was accompanied by acts of rowdyism and hooliganism and in utter defiance of the Police after the main procession had ended.

The procession went through unauthorised routes, jamming traffic everywhere as a consequence. With victory emotions on the loose and - there can be no other explanation - Communists urging them on, the victors made a serious blunder, and blunder it was.

The procession shouting its way along turned into Jalan Campbell and Jalan Hale - roads on the edge of an leading into Kampong Bahru where 30,000 Malays have lived in peace for years beneath the palms in their own settlement in the centre of Kuala Lumpur.

Jalan Hale is the main street of Kampong Bahru. There they proceeded to provoke the Malays, gibing at them and throwing their victory in their faces in the midst of what is virtually an UMNO stronghold.
Dalam tulisan Tunku, jelas yang memohon permit untuk mengadakan perarakan dan sambutan besar2an pada Mei 12 adalah pemimpin parti Gerakan, Tan Chee Koon.

Dan, soalan lagi satu adalah mengapa pihak Polis dan pihak berkuasa MELULUSKAN PERMOHONAN TAN CHEE KOON untuk mengadakan perarakan besar-besaran itu?

Soalan saya pada Berahim PERKASA adalah adakah beliau akan keluar mengutuk parti Gerakan kerana jelas tindakan parti Gerakan adalah sebab utama berlakunya provokasi terhadap orang Melayu di Kampung Baru?

Tulisan Tunku Abdul Rahman itu menunjukkan bahawa provokasi kepada Peristiwa Mei 13 datangnya juga dari parti-parti yang berkawan dengan UMNO.


Mengapa permohonan Tan Chee Koon diluluskan? Hmmmm....

Raja Petra Kamaruddin pernah menemuramah Tunku Abdul Rahman di kediaman beliau sewaktu Tunku masih hidup. Dan, mengikut kenyataan Tunku dalam temuramah tersebut:
Now, without my knowledge and actually “behind my back”, there were certain political leaders in high positions who were working to force me to step down as a PM. I don’t want to go into details but if they had come to me and said so I would gladly have retired gracefully.

Unfortunately, they were apparently scheming and trying to decide on the best way to force me to resign. The occasion came when the question of the police permit was to be approved.

Tun Razak and Harun Idris, the MB of the state of Selangor, now felt that permission should be given, knowing fully well that there was a likelihood of trouble. I suppose they felt that when this happened they could then demand my resignation.

To this day I find it very hard to believe that Razak, whom I had known for so many years, would agree to work against me in this way. Actually he was in my house, as I was preparing to return to Kedah, and I overhead him speaking to Harun over the phone saying that he would be willing to approve the permit when I left. I really could not believe what I was hearing and preferred to think it was about some other permit. In any case, as the Deputy Prime Minister, in my absence from KL, he would be the Acting PM and would override my objection.

Accordingly, when I was in my home in Kedah, I heard over the radio that the permit had been approved.
Secara mudahnya, Tunku telah mengarahkan permit untuk perarakan yang diminta Tan Chee Koon itu supaya tidak diluluskan.

Tetapi, Tunku sendiri hairan mengapa permit itu akhirnya diluluskan juga. Tunku telah menyalahkan Tun Razak serta Harun Idris sebagai mereka yang cuba menjatuhkan Tunku dengan mencipt keadaan yang sebegitu genting ini.

Tunku kemudian menyimpulkan peristiwa Mei 13 ini dicipta oleh mereka-mereka di dalam UMNO yang mahu memaksa Tunku meletakkan jawatan beliau sebagai Perdana Menteri.
Jadi, tak payahlah Berahim nak salahkan orang Cina. Berahim PERKASA kena salahkan UMNO juga dalam berlakunya insiden 13 Mei


Dari maklumat yang saya dapat (saya tak tau betul ke tidak), sewaktu kalahnya UMNO pada 2008, Zakaria Mat Deros telah dipanggil ke PWTC. Antara agendanya adalah untuk membincangkan kaedah serta cara-cara supaya huru-hara ala 13 Mei berlaku.

Dengan takdir Allah SWT, Zakaria Mat Deros telah meninggal dunia di PWTC sewaktu mesyuarat berlangsung. Untuk menutup konspirasi ini, pemimpin2 UMNO telah membawa jenazah Zakaria Mat Deros pulang ke rumah beliau dan diisytiharkan Zakaria Mat Deros meninggal dunia di “istana” beliau di Kelang.

Kematian beliau pun diisytiharkan 2 hari setelah tamatnya Pilihanraya Umum 2008.
Pada waktu yang sama, malam keputusan pilihanraya 2008 itu, suasana di jalan-jalan raya sunyi sepi seolah-olah Selangor dilanggar Garuda.

Hanya yang kelihatan di jalan-jalan raya adalah ahli-ahli dan penyokong PAS yang giat mengawal Wisma Darul Ehsan.

Keadaan yang sama juga berlaku di Ipoh dan Alor Setar. Rakyat Malaysia telah belajar dari Peristiwa 13 Mei bahawa tiada faedah membuat tunjuk perasaan menyambut kemenangan. Majlis meraikan kemenangan PR di Selangor diadakan di Stadium Shah Alam dua bulan selepas kemenangan.

Syukur Alhamdulillah percubaan UMNO itu telah digagalkan oleh Allah SWT. Inshaalah percubaan2 mereka seterusnya akan terus digagalkan oleh Allah SWT.

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