Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Akhbar South China Morning Post: Saiful jumpa Najib SEBELUM diliwat!


Sedang penulis duduk minum air teh panas di Shenzhen, penulis terkejut
melihat seraut wajah yang cukup dikenali di akhbar di depan meja. Penulis pun membeli dan membaca akhbar South China Morning Post itu. Akhbar asing mempertikai kenyataan Saiful yang berulangkali menegaskan bahawa beliau berjumpa dengan Najib SEBELUM 'diliwat' Anwar pada 26 Jun 2008, iaitu 2 hari sebelum kejadian kes liwat berlaku. PELIK. Hari itu Najib c4 kata dia jumpa Saiful selepas bontot Saiful ditebuk Anwar malah kata Najib : 'Saya pegang tangan dia yang sejuk Siapa yang kaki temberang? Artikel disertakan:

1. South China Morning Post (Hong Kong dan selatan China)

Akhbar ini menceritakan betapa pelik dan bercanggahnya kenyataan Saiful yang mendakwa bontotnya diminyakkan dan diliwat. Katanya dia berjumpa Najib 2 hari sebelum diliwat semula oleh Anwar pada 26 Jun 2008.

Pendek kata, Saiful menceritakan bahawa dirinya berjumpa dengan Najib pada 24 Jun 2008 sesudah letih asyik diliwat oleh Anwar. Saiful menafikan kenyataan Najib kononnnya Najib hanya berjumpa Saiful selepas Saiful diliwat pada 26 Jun 2008.

Menurut Saiful, Saiful diliwat pada 26 Jun 2008 dan kenyataan Najib bahawa Najib berjumpa Saiful pada 27 atau 28 Jun (selepas diliwat) adalah tidak benar.

Pendek kata, Saiful kata dia diliwat semula oleh Anwar selepas BERJUMPA DENGAN NAJIB. Akhbar-akhbar luar negara yang tidak dibaca oleh penyokong UMNO Hulu Selangor pun menempelak kenyataan ini kerana berbau konspirasi memandangkan Saiful mengakui berjumpa Najib SEBELUM DILIWAT. Gambar mesra Saiful dan kepimpinan UMNO yang berdozen-dozen menguatkan lagi kepercayaan masyarakat antarabangsa akan konspirasi taraf tadika ini.

Anwar's accuser says he met Najib '2 days before sodomy'

May 11, 2010

The young man accusing Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim of sodomy has admitted he met the nation's future prime minister two days before one of the alleged offences took place, fuelling the defence contention that the case is a frame-up resulting from a conspiracy....

2. Berita BBC News

Berita BBC pun menceritakan kezaliman perbicaraaan kes Anwar di mana bahan bukti mudah seperti rakaman CCTV pun enggan diserahkan oleh pendakwa untuk menghalang Anwar dari membela diri.

Anwar's sodomy trial resumes in Malaysia

The BBC's Jennifer Pak, at the courtroom, said the defence had asked again for a list of the witnesses who would be called to support the government case.

But the judge again refused to allow the list to be shared, saying this was in line with an earlier federal court decision.

It is one of the issues that has led Mr Anwar's legal team to accuse the judge of bias.

Another issue has been an alleged meeting between Mr Anwar's accuser, Saiful Bukhari Azlan, and Prime Minister Najib Razak.

In court on Monday, Mr Saiful testified to having met Mr Najib days before he made his allegations, saying he did so to discuss his dilemma

Mr Najib has previously acknowledged meeting Mr Saiful, but has denied any involvement in the case.

Mr Anwar said the meeting was proof of "the issue of conspiracy by Najib and higher-ups in the government" and that the prime minister should be called as a witness.

It will be a futile trial if he uses his influence in court not to appear personally, he told reporters outside the court.

Judge denial

Mr Anwar's lawyer, Sankara Nair, said that the prosecution's refusal to release information such as its witness list, video footage and key documents on forensic and DNA evidence would make it very hard for his client to clear his name.

Another lawyer, Karpal Singh, said he had never before been denied access to a witness list.

You always supply the list. In fact, the court is supplied the list together with the defence. What is there to hide?" he said.