Jumaat, 28 Ogos 2009

Tema Mengasyikkan Minda Menjelang Hari Kemerdekaan

1970: Muhibah dan Perpaduan (Love and Unity)
1971: Masyarakat Progresif (Progressive Society)
1972: Masyarakat Adil (Fair Society)
1973: Masyarakat Berkebudayaan Malaysia (A Society with Malaysian Culture)
1974: Sains dan Teknologi Alat Perpaduan (Science and Technology as Tools of Unity)
1975: Masyarakat Berdikari (A Self-Reliant Society)
1976: Ketahanan Rakyat (Strength of the People)
1977: Bersatu Maju (United and Progressive)
1978: Kebudayaan Sendi Perpaduan (Culture is the Core of Unity)
1979: Bersatu Berdisplin (United and Disciplined)
1980: Berdisplin Berbakti (Discipline and Service)
1981: Berdisplin Berharmoni (Discipline and Harmony)
1982: Berdisplin Giat Maju (Discipline Creates Progress)
1983: Bersama Ke Arah Kemajuan (Together Towards Success)
1984: Amanah Asas Kejayaan (Honesty Brings Success)
1985: Nasionalisme Teras Perpaduan (Nationalism is the Core of Unity)
1986: Bangsa Tegas Negara Teguh (Steadfast Society, Strong Country)
1987: Setia Bersatu Berusaha Maju (Loyally United and Progressively Working)
1988-1989: Bersatu (Unity)
1990: Berjaya (Success)
1991: Wawasan 2020 (Vision 2020)
1992: Wawasan Asas Kemajuan (Vision is the Basis of Progress)
1993: Bersatu Menuju Wawasan (Together Towards Vision)
1994: Nilai Murni Jayakan Wawasan (Good Values Makes the Vision a Success)
1995: Jatidiri Pengerak Wawasan (Steadfastness Moves the Vision Forward)
1996: Budaya Penentu Kecapaian (Culture Determines Achievements )
1997: Akhlak Mulia Masyarakat Jaya (Good Values Make a Successful Society)
1998: Negara Kita, Tanggungjawab Kita (Our Country, Our Responsibility)
1999: Bersatu Ke Alaf Baru (Together Towards the New Millennium)
2000-2006: Keranamu: MALAYSIA (Because of you: MALAYSIA)
2007: Malaysiaku Gemilang (My Glorious Malaysia)
2008: Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan (Unity Is The Core of Success)
2009: 1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan